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What To Do??!

Connie J... • Jun 26, 2023

Helen wasn't sure what she should do!!! She had been contacted by a former classmate, Blanche. A few years ago, after a class reunion, while getting together for lunch, they had discussed Facebook. Blanche, said though she didn't have a page, her husband Frank, spent a lot of time on it. Helen gave her the information to give Frank. They had doubled a few times and hung out, in high school, so she knew Frank, and thought, "What the harm?"

Well - back in high school she had been VERRRRRY needy, and targeted by many predators. She had done a lot of work, since then, and put most of her predators where they belonged - in the past. Apparently, her memories of Frank had been blocked - until that night, when he sexted her over Facebook Messenger. She had always been a very good victim, shall we say; and just fell into old times so fluidly, it was scary.

As soon as she realized what was going on, she got off Messenger, and proceeded to block, remove, everything she could do regarding Frank. BUT, she had still crossed her line, and the shame and guilt came rushing in!!!

Incidentally, when they got together years ago, Blanche had been going on and on about all the divorces in the class; and how proud she was that she and Frank had been together since she was 14 (she was now in her mid-50s).

Fast-forward - Blanche contacted Helen recently, and wants to get together. Since that incident, years ago - every time she has thought of Blanche contacting her, again, Helen has dreaded the thought. So guilt-ridden, it was almost paralyzing. When she did contact her - the guilt came - but the difference was when Helen realized she HAD done the right thing after she realized what was going on with Frank, and stopped it immediately. She took responsibility, so WHAT DID SHE HAVE TO FEEL GUILTY FOR??! She didn't contact him for immoral things, right??!

Helen has decided she is going to tell Blanche everything. The friendship may survive, or it may not; but most importantly, Helen will be able to live on guilt-free from yet another ugly thing in her past that was dealt with in a healthy manner.

Life is really hard, sometimes, and choices MUST be made. Always remember - YOU ARE WORTH FIGHTING FOR!!!

Thank you, and have a good day, and be safe... #oneinfour #ithappenstomentoo #dviseverywhere #domesticviolence

*October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Please share this post, no matter what month it is, to help get the word out. The Victim has to make the choice - but, "What If..." they read something you sent them, and it just "clicks"?

*I generally share a "What If..." post, once a month, and I would love the opportunity to share YOUR "what ifs". Please send your "What If..." ideas to Connie J... -; or through Ozer email,

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